Not what you are wanting to hear but the rendering should be left to the recipient... There is (almost) no way you can control all possible cases... not to mention all personal preferences.

Plain text is the way to go :)

On 30 Jul 2020, at 17:29, Robert Brenstein wrote:

Are you sure that all your recipients want to see the extra spacing in their emails? It reduces the amount of text visible on smaller screens, for example. If formatting is essential for your deliveries, you can send them as PDF files.

On 30 Jul 2020, at 1:50, Steve Holyer wrote:

Want to nudge this.

Can someone tell me how to adjust the outgoing template (css) to change the line-spacing on the html portion of outgoing mail?

A. Takacs
Augicom SA
+41 (22) 301 16 00
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