We have developed a free GIS related classified ads page on the
GeoCommunity website at

Feel free to post your ads here.
If you send me a brief description as well I could include it in the
classifieds section of our newsletter which will go out to over 5000 gis
professionals very shortly. The newsletter generally goes out the first
week of each month, however, this month's is a bit late due to some
changes we've been going through.

Glenn Letham, editor
The GeoCommunity

"HR and Associates, Inc. / Eric Frost" wrote:
> Mappers,
> What are some forums or what are the best forums
> for posting jobs? We have an opening in our company
> I'd like to advertise and I remember there being some
> sites that list GIS and CAD-related job openings or
> have these been supplanted by the
> listings?
> I do see posting on here for openings and I know some
> people frown on that so I'll refrain... but if you know
> of some sites or have some insights, please e-mail me
> and I will summarize and re-post.
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