If you want to rotate your map inside a "horizontal" layout frame, then you will have to rotate the map inside its mapper.
I do not know about the newest development in this area but I had invented a work around quite "involved". It required registering first a fake image such that its North will be rorated, opening a mapper with it and loading your map in that mapper. The map will adopt the North of the image.
There is a chapter on that in "My Bag o'Tricks". See our site if you can still get it (e-mail to my son). If it does not work, I may find a way to send you these pages.

Jacques Paris

e-mail                alternate

paris PC Consult (mainly MapInfo app.)

-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bob Foss
Sent: December 9, 1999 10:08 AM
Subject: MI Rotating Grid for Layout

I am using Mapinfo Professional 4.5. I have a map projected in NYS Plane Coordinate System that I would like to rotate about 25 degrees for layout purposes. I cannot seem to find any commands to accomplish that goal. "Rotate" only returns information on how to rotate text, not the underlyng grid.

Bob Foss
Smith & Mahoney, P.C.
P.O. Box 22047
382 Broadway
Albany, NY  12201-2047
fax 518-463-3823

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