Hi  Dietrich

If you have a point and want to find the nearst point i a table, try this

Dim MyPoint as Object

MyPoint = Some Point

Select * from MyPointTab  Where Distance(centroidx(MyPoint),
CentroidY(MyPoint), centroidx(Obj), CentroidY(Obj), "m") In  (Select
Min(Distance(centroidx(MyPoint), CentroidY(MyPoint), centroidx(Obj),
CentroidY(Obj), "m")) from MyPointTab)

      Med venlig hilsen
      Peter Laulund

      Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen  ·  www.kms.dk
      National Survey and Cadastre - Denmark
      Rentemestervej 8  ·  DK 2400 København NV
      E-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ·  Home: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      Phone: +45 3587 5050  ·  Direct: +45 3587 5173


"Dietrich Kastens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - 06-01-2001 06:26:03

      Besvar venligst til "Dietrich Kastens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

cc:     "Dietrich Kastens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (bcc: Peter
Vedrørende:    MI-L Need Code to find nearest Point

Hello all,

Does anyone know of any code out there that would allow me to find a
neareast nieghbor point to another point.  In Mapbasic, the geographic
search options are limited to mostly working with line and region features
and thus don't help me.  The SearchPoint function tries to match an exact
Lat/Lon, which again doesn't help me.  I am trying to find a simple piece
code that will allow me to select one point and then find the closest point
to it.  I have written code that did a similar task by incorporating a
buffer around the point, but this won't work for me in this project because
of the density of my point data (1 second interval GPS data).

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



Dietrich Kastens
(785)843-7789 Home
(785)626-4600 Mobile

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