Hi All.

Has anyone experienced this problem with a MI Pro v6.5 upgrade?  When I select Window 
> New Graph Window, I get the message:  

No Graph Tables Found.  Please Check Graph Support Files directory preference.

When I check Options > Preferences, I see the path pointing to the graph templates.  
The path is not in the same path as the new version of MI Pro v6.5 though.  The files 
do exist as I checked them through Windows Explorer.  The path is to the old directory 
of MapInfo Pro.

I tried copying the entire graph directory into the new version of MI Pro and setting 
the path under preferences.  So it currently points to \program 
files\MapInfo\Professional 6.5\graphsupport\templates, but it still does not work.

Has anyone else tried out the graphing from an upgrade, and had this problem?  Hope 
you have a solution :-)

Thanks in advance for your replies.

Karl Kliparchuk, M.Sc.
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
L100 - 780 Beatty Street
Vancouver, BC  Canada
V6B 2M1
Tel (604) 683-8521

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