In case you were wondering why your message was stripped clean,
attachments (images, WAVs, viruses) are not allowed in MapInfo-L
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don't want to unwittingly spread viruses.

If you need to show images, post them on your web site and direct
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agree to accept them.

- Bill Thoen
GISnet, 1401 Walnut St., Suite C, Boulder, CO  80302
tel: 303-786-9961, fax: 303-443-4856

Robert wrote:
>         type="multipart/alternative";
>         boundary="----=_NextPart_001_009A_01C14085.9C4BB5C0"
> ------=_NextPart_001_009A_01C14085.9C4BB5C0
>         boundary="----=_NextPart_002_009B_01C14085.9C4BB5C0"
> ------=_NextPart_002_009B_01C14085.9C4BB5C0
> Hello all, I need your to help me, In the next pictures I indicate some =
> squares I don't want to show in my browser, someone of you know how to =
> eliminate or to hide these squares.
> Now I will paste the pictures, but maybe someone can not to visualize =
> it, in all ways I  attached it.
> Thank's all
> Robert

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  • ... cjx
  • ... Robert
  • ... Шмурак Анатолий
  • ... Robert
  • ... Duncan
  • ... Brooks, Stephen
  • ... Robert
    • ... Bill Thoen
  • ... Robert
  • ... Robert
  • ... Bill Thoen
  • ... Robert
  • ... Lathrop, Travis
  • ... Tom Orr
  • ... François Robitaille
  • ... John . Ottini
  • ... Robert
  • ... Robert
  • ... Ehab . Temamy
  • ... John . Ottini
  • ... Andrea Swansby

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