I need to purchase basemaps for a number of project areas (100 or so project
The areas of interest can range from the size of a building 1000 sq metres  to
areas covering 100 sq Kilometres. Obviously not one scale will be suitable for
all areas of interest.  A 1:50 000 map might be suitable to examine an area
which runs 30 km along a river  while it would not give much map information
about an area   which is only 1 sq km.  A larger scale such as 1:2000 might be
more suitable for examining 1 sq km areas. I guess what I'm wondering is if I
know the size of an area I'm interested in, is there any kind of rule of thumb
that I can follow that can tell me "in general" what map scale would be most
appropriate for that area?

 I know its a very general question and other factors come into play when
choosing a map scale such as what type of information I want to be able to see
in that area or if other data is needed to be overlaid that they should be at
the same scale etc... But for now just need a general idea of how far do you
zoom into an area or what size does an area have to be before you need to have a
larger scale basemap representing that area? Hope that makes sense! Any ideas or
thoughts would be appreciated.



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