Hi Geoffrey and List

I complained to Tech Support that the very effect you described occurred
when attempting buffering. The solution, off-the-wall as it seemed to me,
actually WORKED. It may for you, too.

I have posted this solution a number of times on the List, and have received
replies from various readers that it solved their problem. If it does NOT
solve your problem - please post that on the list as well.

This is probably the pernicious error that has cropped up from time to
time, and drives us tech support people mad.
On the computers that do not crash, check which printer is set as the
default. I suspect they will have a different printer, or possibly a
different printer driver.

A Floating Point Exception error has occured in the following

     a printer driver has not been loaded
     a printer driver is not properly installed
     a printer driver is causing a conflict with Mapinfo

Install an updated driver or re-install the printer driver through the
Windows Control Panel.


Best regards,

Alex Eshed                   Tel: +972-3-961-5840
Digi-Tek Ltd.                Fax: +972-3-961-5877
12 Homa St.                 Cell: +972-54-859109
Rishon LeZion 75655
Israel                    email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

----- Original Message -----
From: Geoffrey Jans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 4:00 PM
Subject: MI-L Floating Point Error Message

> Hello !
> I encountered a problem similar to what many people on this list
> experienced, but the context differs slightly... I use rather complex
> and big raster images in MapInfo, and while I browse those images, en
> zoom in/out, the error message "Floating Point Error : Invalid" appears.
> It does not appear systematically though. I use Win2000, MapInfo 6.5,
> with the release build 31 patch.
> Does anyone have a clue on how to solve this problem ?
> Thanks,
> Geoff

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