All of you involved in this subject,
Stop acting like children and take your arguments away from the list.
We all understand your points and will have our own feelings on the matter
but this list is definitely not for a public slanging match.
There are developers out there that post information on products and that's
fine as long as they help those ordinary users like myself to get to a
solution.  Incidentally, most of those developers post remedies to problems
for which they don't charge and for which they have to give up time to
monitor the list before they can proffer help.
A few of these are:
Cameron Crum
Jacques Paris
Lars Nielson
Uffa Kousgaard
Bob Young
Trey Pattillo
and many others. And as part of their postings provide information and
contact information which may or may not give details of their products.
So come on Ross let's cool it and be thankful there are many, many people
who want to help and some who may give the occasional plug for their
software - hooray for that!  You don't have to buy the product and,
remember, people don't have to provide solutions! But getting personal is
not what we should be doing with the list - lets all work to a common goal.
NO MORE OF THIS PLEASE (sorry for shouting)!
Regards to all,

Mark Percival 
ICT Client Officer(GIS) 
ICT Client Team 
City Development Directorate 
Coventry City Council 

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