Hi all,

I am writing an mapbasic application that can run in two modes. The first is as a menu driven app that has a number of database clean up routines and configuration utilities, as well as some rather complex processing of data. The configuration is written to an ini file.

The other mode is through a vb program that can initiate the processing module as a mapbasic app using the ini file settings. I use two main subs in different .mb files to either initiate a menu system or simply start the process. It works fine.

BUT, I would like to display the progress of the processing as it goes. In the menu driven app, I just display the message window and use print. But in the vb app, the message window of course doesn't appear.

I think that there are two ways of achieving this, the first is somehow parenting the message window to a pic box on the vb form? I do this for the map window already, but not sure how to do this for a , but haven't spent much time on it. (Hwnd is still something I just plagerise the sample code without really knowing what I am doing - yes I am honest enough to admit it). The other would be to set the program mode in two modes, automatic or menu, and replace the print calls with a displaymessage function that would simple print if it was in menu mode or perhaps use a callback function to pass a string to the parent app.

Any comments and even better some code that I can plagerise?



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