
Just happen to be working on something similar today. The code below would create the application, attach the application to a picturebox, and run an application (in my case an mbx, but could be a workspace.

If you want to display a map or something, you would have to find the Hwnd of that map window and attach it to a picurebox. There are examples in the mapbasic sample apps.

Set mapinfo = CreateObject("MapInfo.Application")
mapinfo.do "Set Application WIndow " & MainForm.picMapWin.hwnd
mapinfo.do "Run Application ""C:\Data\FMapCode\AgtrixCode\AgtrixAutoProcess.MBX"""


On Wed, 9 Jul 2003 09:23:37 +0200, Jure Ravnik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm trying to write VisualBasic code that would enable the user opening
workspaces in MapInfo. By running a command in my program I'd like to
have the comuper start up Mapinfo and open the desired workspace.

Something like this opens a *.doc document in MS word :

Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = GetObject("test.doc") xlApp.application.Visible = True

however the same code doesn't work with MI. I have MI 7.0 installed
od my computer.

Thanks for help,



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