
I think over time MapInfo will phase out MapBasic all together.  I have
heard that the any new feature available in MapInfo 8 will not be
available from MapBasic.  I guess they either have or will stop
developing MapBasic, and the command set.

What this means is that at some point in the future, all our MapBasic
routines will have to be converted to .NET (or what ever replaces it).
And hopefully by that stage someone would have written a converter for
converting MapBasic to MapInfo .NET.

This will effect MapX quite differently.  Because MapX is an ActiveX
control, then this control will need to be rewritten as a .NET

Now I could be wrong here, but from what I understand a lot of Visual
Studio (VB, VC, etc) code cannot be automatically converted to .NET (and
I have experienced this).  The syntax and structures are quite
different.  This would suggest that applications written with MapX will
need so rewriting to fit into the new .NET framework.  Personally I have
had very little experience with .NET (I have only written 1 application
with it), but I can see some work for MapX developers especially if
MapInfo change the existing MapX functions or syntax.

I would like to know if from MapInfo .NET can you call a MapBasic
functions or subroutines and vis versa can you call MapInfo .NET
functions and subroutines from MapBasic.  If this is possible then you
could use all your existing code and still have the .NET power without
having any major rewrite projects.

This is my opinion.

Cheers Ian

P.S. As Lars pointed out, yes you can call EXE functions and subroutines
using DDE, but your EXE would have to support DDE and mine didn't.

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Havermale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, 7 August 2003 12:58 p.m.
To: 'Ian Tidy'; MapInfo-L; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: MI-L SUM: External Subroutines and Functions

I have a general question that one of you with insight might answer or
speculate on?  

As time goes by and we approach the promised land of MapInfo Pro 8.0
with its .NET MapX design, how will that future likely unfold on this
same issue and question as regards the promise 8.0 and beyond?  There is
a promise that 8.0 will maintain all of our collective MapBasic

Any takers?


-----Original Message-----
From: Ian Tidy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Thursday, August 07, 2003 6:18 AM
Subject: MI-L SUM: External Subroutines and Functions

Thanks to everyone who replied.

The simple answer is No.

You can run an executable from MapBasic, but you can't directly call a
specific function in an executable (you can't treat an EXE like a DLL).

The work around was to re-write the EXE and compile it as a DLL
(something that I was trying to avoid, but it is done now and works).

Special thanks to
Martin Higham
Peter Horsbøll Møller
Uffe Kousgaard

Cheers Ian
Ian Tidy
GIS Administrator
Works Asset
Napier City Council

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