I have a region (measures 497.8 sq km) over which I apply a 1 km square cell
grid. I save only cells intersected by region (651). Then I update a column
of the cell table by the "overlap" of obj with o = selection.obj of region.
The sum of those "overlapped" areas gives me 518.8 sq km which seems to me
to be an unacceptable result..

That the total area is calculated in spherical or cartesian does not change

Particular condition: the region is formed of 32 polygons (some are islands)
and there are some holes (lakes, rivers)

I am working with 6.5

Are there any known-to-you-but-not-to-me problems with that function under
such circumstances?

Thanks for any clue

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support  http://www.paris-pc-gis.com

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