I am running MI Pro 7.5.  When I manually combine two objects, somthing
wierd is going on.  You get a data aggregation box that you can set the
value for each column in the table.  Before 7.5, the default values MI put
in were always one of the two values that were being combined.  Now,
completely different values are being used as defaults.   If you don't pay
attention, your data is corrupted.   Can a few of my fellow listers confirm
this oddity before I raise a stink.  Maybe I am doing something wrong, but I
believe this is a major glitch. 

Simple test, make the map editable, select two objects, choose combine, look
at the values in the data aggregation box.  

Thanks to all

Mike Hankins
Actuarial Services Analyst
COUNTRY Insurance and Financial Services

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