I've been having a little trouble, and I wonder if this is the way MapInfo

Let's say I have a database of World Cities with the fields "Country" and
"CityName".  First I do a SQL query for [Country = 'M'] and name that query
"ABC"; let's say I end up with 100 records in that query (ABC).  Then I do a
SQL query on "ABC" for [CityName = 'P'] and name that query "XYZ"; let's say
I end up with 1 record in that query (XYZ).

Next I save the workspace and then exit.  When I reopen the workspace, the
"ABC" query is there, but the "XYZ" query is not!  Is this because XYZ is a
query on a query?  Is this against the rules?

Frank Phillips
Manager of Marketing GIS
Vulcan Materials Company (NYSE:VMC)
Birmingham, AL, USA

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