Hello all,

            I have a problem with me in attaching
external database.

        I have a map of a city which is divided in to
small blocks. 
The data bse is as follows for the map.

Ward No  Houseno       Area

  1         1-10        123
  2         11-20       1234.34
so on..this is a huge data.

    Wardno  -  Numeric
    Houseno -  Charecter

  My external databs in .xls format is as follows

Ward No  Houseno      Noofresidents

  1         1                4
  1         2                5
  2         11               2
the data goes so on.....

    Wardno  -  Numeric
    Houseno -  numeric

         Now how can I attach the external databse as
I have 2 problems with me

1. My internal data of Houseno's is charecter and it
is not continuous. It represents a group of data
1-10,11-20 so on. And my external data is contious for
houssno's 1,2,3---10 ; 11,12,13---20 etc.

2. Both of the data types for the filed i need to
create a link are not of same data type.

          Can any one tell me solution for this,
actually I was working on Arcview3x upto now, I placed
this topic in the Arcview list found no solution.

         Thinking Mapinfo a better tool in in
attaching data, i want to find out from you people how
to do it.



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