Hi Terry,

Any statement placed outside Sub/Function bodies generate an implicit Sub Main.

Check for such statements, that's probably your gotcha.

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars Nielsen

Terry McDonnell wrote:

I've just relinked my project and now I'm getting the following link
Duplicate Sub or Function MAIN found in ...\StopOpts.MBO. Error reading local variable names from GET_ZONES_SERVICES in
...\FacOpts.MBO. Duplicate Sub or Function MAIN found in
...\FacOpts.MBO. Error reading local variable names from STOP_DETS_DIALOG in
...\CensusOpts.MBO. Duplicate Sub or Function MAIN found in
...\CensusOpts.MBO. -----------------

I've no idea what it's on about.  I added some code yesterday, changed
one or two things and recompiled and linked - no problem.  Today I
changed hardly anything, only cosmetic as far as I know the recomp'd and
linked and got these errors.
Of course, I've checked that there AREN'T duplicate sub's MAIN;  that
would be ridiculous - never were.  It's only in my main module, and that
hasn't changed.

True, the above afflicted routines I HAVE changed stuff in but nothing
major, and the vars are the same as they were pre-apocolypse.

Anyone any ideas?  I know some errors can be disguised/mis-interpreted
by Basic and manifest themselves as another symptom.

'ppreciate it

Terry McDonnell

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