Hi list!

Always when there is a new upgrade, people ask themselves if it's 'worth' upgrading.
So I'd like to discuss this. How do you calculate 'worth'?
If it's the cost involved, this generally accumulates for each version, so when you eventually *must* upgrade, the cost may be higher than the sum of consecutive upgrades. Or you may even be forced to purchase a new license.
I want to look at upgrades as a way of maintaining an investment in software, just as you regularly service hardware, your car or office copier.

If 'worth' is the number of improvements, or better useability, it's easy to argue that what I have is good enough for my needs.
Well maybe some at first unsignificant change would enable you to change your work flow, but then you would never know.

I see enough goodies in v8.5 to eagerly await the swedish version in autumn, and if you consider that this may be the last legacy MapInfo Pro, I am quite pleased with what MI Corp has put in.

I realise that this sounds like a sales ad - it's not intended that way - merely as some starting points for a discussion.
Have a good weekend, all friends on this list.

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E
FB Engineering AB
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