Title: no DAT found


Sorry about this multitude of questions today:

In MapBasic I want to save a copy of a table and open it in the workspace.  I've used

Commit Table Pen_Ver_Emp As "F:\CHSPR\data\cronning\Data\Proof of Concept\Buffer_Employee.TAB"TYPE NATIVE Charset "WindowsLatin1"
Open Table "F:\CHSPR\data\cronning\Data\Proof of Concept\Buffer_Employee.TAB" Interactive
Add Map Auto Layer Buffer_Employee

The program compiles with no errors, but when I run it in the open workspace I get the error message

"(cluster alert.mb:5)File Buffer_Employee.DAT not found. Unable to create new table."

I seem to remember this happening before when using the MapBasic Window in MapInfo, but don't remember how I fixed it.

Thanks in advance,


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