I'm not an expert, so I don't have any pratical suggestions.
It would be nice something like: you put your USB stick in the USB port, in
any kind of graphical interface you select which fedora spin, then you go
home with a bootable fedora USB stick.

Or something more automatic. Like you put the USB stick and without any
intervention the burn process start. Just some LED, or an LCD screen, track
the status of the process.

Let people informed if you are able to build something.


On Apr 8, 2017 16:46, "Zoltan Hoppar" <hopp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I am currently gathering my hardwares and tools, to create a Fedora image
> creator station - that I can put out to the desk at Fedora events. The main
> target would be to have a standalone machine, with blueprints, that if any
> local Fedora community around the world want to follow - be able to do it.
> With a standalone flasher, we can much more easier share our installers -
> and we can put something attractive to the desk at events. If internet
> access is rare, or weak, IMHO this device as access point, sharing point
> can be a glue for the local communities.
> Main functions?
> ---------------
> I am thinking in 3 base +1 extra function on this station:
> - Local standalone offline access point - local free wifi station with
> downloadable content. (Sort of mod of Piratebox, Librarybox - or such).
> Possibly with chat services, or IRC meeting box.
> - Standalone online file sharing point, file server, shared coding
> platform - same downloadable content (Fedora user guide, Fedora digital
> flyers, local copy of getfedora website)
> - Ambassadors digital event box: if give digital flyers, and contents that
> ambassadors can share and load with useful contents - as Ambassadors
> shedules, talking points, marketing stuff - and such.
> +1 function: I'd like to package a separate 5 ports charger unit, so
> Ambassadors can stop visitors that if they want they can charge up phones,
> tablets and their units.
> Good, but with what kind of devices?
> ---------------------------------------
> Right now, I am thinking in 4 possible device - but I would like to put
> out to discussion witch path would be the mostly less painful and cheap. I
> have already contacted with Martin Bříza, who developing the Fedora Media
> Writer, and IMHO would be a great option to have it if the screen is an
> option is such build. Furthermore in marketing part, I think the earlier
> LiveUSB Station concept had at that time a nice artwork - that similarly
> with this device can be useful.
> So, the 4 device option that I am thinking:
> - Olimex Olinuxino Lime2 board with SATA. Allwinner A20 chip. Mostly
> supported, but 55 EUR with 4Gb storage, kinda expensive but can be fully
> equipped even with batteries. But not only worrying about the TCO in this
> option, else maybe the A20 would be weak for the tasks above.
> - Raspberry Pi 3 - mostly widespreaded, known, and possibly most usable -
> but
> - Orange PI zero with USB expansion board: Tiny, cheap (I have ordered
> mine for barely 25 EUR in total, with cube case), nicely portable device,
> but Allwinner H2, H2 plus - as far as I know not really supported by
> Fedora. But I know it wrong, maybe. Plus in this board that has SPI flash.
> - FriendlyArm Nanopi Neo AIR : This tiny board has an 8G integrated
> storage that can be IMHO an option for the Fedora images, using Allwinner
> H3 chip, 3 usb, BT and Wifi integrated. Cost is approx 25 USD with heatsink.
> My questions?
> ---------------
> First I'd like to have feedbacks, ideas, and maybe points that I didn't
> saw yet.
> - Witch path, board would be the best solution in your opinion?
> - In what form/shape can you imagine this Fedora device?
> - What purpose you think that can be added, or would be useful?
> - What would you change, add, remove in this project?
> Thank you,
> Zoltanh721
> PS: Boards that I have: RsPi 1b, RsPi3, Orange PI Zero with expansion
> board (under delivery).
> --
> PGP:  06853DF7
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