Thanks to the generous sharing of information via the various listserves and
conferences, my coauthor and I are pleased to announce the publication of
our article:


Fertl, D., and G.L. Fulling. 2007. Interactions between marine mammals and
turtles. Marine Turtle Newsletter 115:4-8.


The following link will take you directly to the full newsletter, which I
encourage all of you to read in full. We hope that our marine mammal
researcher colleagues will take great interest in seeing what our sea turtle
researcher colleagues are up to.


The article will provide information on where to find the online link to the
full-blown list of various types of interactions.


Again, many, many thanks to everyone who provided information and showed
great interest in the topic, whenever it was presented and discussed.




Dagmar Fertl

Geo-Marine, Inc.

2201 Avenue K, Suite A2

Plano, Texas 75074 USA


FAX 972-422-2736



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