The Bay of Fundy is vital to Northern Right Whales, Finbacks, Humpbacks, 
Harbour Porpoise, Minke; other marine mammals; an abundance of seabirds; and 
2,000 to 3,000 marine invertebrates. The huge tides and the consequent mixing 
produces an extremely high level of productivity that centres on the mouth of 
Head Harbour Passage, the entrance to Passamaquoddy Bay. The passage is the 
centre of feeding activity and supports an astounding abundance of life. Dr. 
David Gaskin identified this area as the principal Harbour Porpoise nursery and 
all species of whales and seals occur there when the Meganyctipanes and Calanus 
populations are high. From a social point of view the area is the centre of the 
herring weir industry, aquaculture, and ecotours and revenues from these and 
related industries are just under a billion dollars annually. The area thrives 
on this unique "eco-economy".

Currently 2 applications for LNG terminals on the Maine shore of Passamaquoddy 
are before FERC the US energy regulatory body. Another terminal has just been 

If the 2 terminals are approved and built, as many as 400 huge LNG tankers and 
their tugs, in addition to the approximately 100 coastal freighters that 
currently go to Eastport and Bayside ports, will pass through Head Harbour 
Passage and important whale habitat. It is clear that the increased number of 
ships will result in additional ship strikes particularly to right whales. We 
are also concerned about the effects of sound in the Passage itself. Since the 
Passage is basically a tube, will the echo effect and/or sound distortion 
disorient resident whales. In particular what will the impacts be on mothers 
and calfs? Will sound and physical disturbance result in the displacement of 
cetaceans from this important feeding ground, putting additional pressure on 
other more marginal areas? What other impacts should be expected?

There are many unanswered questions and the forthcoming hearing will require 
expert knowledge, advice, and support that can be brought to bear on this 
issue. If you can help, please contact me, Art MacKay, at [EMAIL PROTECTED] I 
post information on my website at and 
I have registered as an intervenor in the hearings through my employer St. 
Croix Estuary Project Inc., a nonprofit community group that carries out 
environmental research and provides information on environmental and social 
issues. Please participate if you can.


Hope you can help.

Art MacKay
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