Aquatic Farms (Ltd. of Honolulu, Hawaii), a contractor for The National 
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Pacific Islands Fisheries Science 
Center, is soliciting cover letters and resumes for the upcoming 2009 
field research season to study the endangered Hawaiian monk seal in the 
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. This work is part of a long-term annual 
Hawaiian monk seal population monitoring and conservation program which 
includes: conducting trend counts; tagging seals; identifying individual 
seals by tags, scars, natural markings,and applied bleach marks; 
monitoring reproduction, survival, injuries, entanglements, migration, 
performing necropsies; collecting scat & spew samples for food habitat 
analysis; collecting tissue samples for DNA analysis; collecting & 
removing debris capable of entangling seals and other wildlife.  
Behavior data are also collected at some sites.  For general information 
about the program, visit this website:

Employment will be from mid April to early September, though some 
positions will continue until mid/late September.  The starting date may 
be delayed until early May depending on cruise scheduling. The number of 
positions and/or continuation of the program is subject to funding.

The first 3 weeks of employment are spent in Honolulu training and 
packing, and the final weeks are also spent in Honolulu to clean up gear 
and summarize data.  Food and lodging in Honolulu are not provided; a 
listing of potential housing options is available. Transportation from 
Honolulu to and from the field site, food, and lodging in the field are 

Field work is accomplished by 2-5 member teams in remote camps. 
Researchers live either in wall tents or buildings at the various sites. 
All sites are accessible by ship (2-8 day travel; 830-2,300 km from 
Honolulu), and two are accessible by plane.  Few supply opportunities 
exist and outside communication is limited.


Please submit a cover letter and resume with employment history, 
education history, the names and phone numbers of three work related 
references to the contact below.  IMPORTANT:  Please specify in your 
cover letter the period you are available, remote field experience, 
animal handling experience, boating skills, and whether you will accept 
a volunteer position.

Calinda Goo
Aquatic Farms

Email submissions are preferred, but you can also mail applications to:

Calinda Goo
Aquatic Farms
49-139 Kam Hwy
Kaneohe, HI 96744

Please also send duplicate cover letters and resumes to:

Thea Johanos, Wildlife Biologist
Hawaiian Monk Seal Assessment Program
Phone (808) 944-2174
Email: (preferred) or

By mail to:
Thea Johanos
Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center, Protected Species Division
1601 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1110, Honolulu, HI 96814-4700

Employment will be provided by Aquatic Farms (Ltd. of Honolulu, Hawaii)a 
contractor that provides Scientific Support Services to the National 
Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center 
(PIFSC). Applicants will be considered for two types of positions: field 
camp leader and field camp assistants, depending upon education and 

Volunteer positions for field camp assistant may also be available for 
applicants without prior field experience in a Hawaiian monk seal field 
camp or without prior field experience in a related PIFSC research 
effort within the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.

One field camp leader serves as the senior person in a camp. Leads field 
personnel in camp preparation, collection, entry and editing of data. 
Responsible for quality and timeliness of the field team's work. 
Responsible for maintaining a safe working environment for field 
personnel. Responsible for ensuring all necessary equipment and supplies 
for remote research camp are prepared.  Performs daily maintenance and 
operation of field camp.  Collects census and life history data on 
Hawaiian monk seals. Conducts boating  operations at multiple-island 
atolls. Responsible for return of field equipment and supplies at the 
end of camp. Collaborates with scientists within NMFS to conduct and 
analyze field studies on the Hawaiian monk seal in the Northwestern 
Hawaiian Islands. Produces annual report at end of field season.

Minimum Qualifications: Bachelor's or Associates degree with 2 years 
field experience (5 yrs experience may be substituted for the education 
requirements). Good communication, leadership and decision-making 
skills. Working knowledge of personal computers including use of word 
processing, spreadsheets, and databases. Ability to swim. Must be able 
to pass pre-deployment training requirements including field medical 
training before being deployed to remote island. Ability to work in 
remote locations for extended periods of time. Must be able to work long 
hours in the sun.  Must be able to walk long distances (up to 7 miles)in 
the sand carrying 25-35 pounds of field gear.  Must be able to manually 
restrain immature seals (up to 200 pounds).  Must be able to obtain 
medical clearance for working on NOAA research vessels.

Desirable qualities include prior field experience in a Hawaiian monk 
seal field camp. Previous experience in field or laboratory studies of 
marine mammals, previous experience handling marine mammals, working 
knowledge of computers, prefer applicants interested in pursuing career 
in marine mammalogy or related field. Ability to perform basic data 
analysis.  Ability to operate small boat and conduct routine maintenance.

One or two assistants participate in each field camp.  Under guidance of 
field camp leader and/or NMFS personnel, assists in camp preparation, 
collection, entry and editing of data. Maintains a safe working 
environment for field personnel.  Participates in daily maintenance and 
operation of field camp.  Collects census and life history data on 
Hawaiian monk seals. Conducts boating operations at multiple-island 
atolls. Assists with return, repair and clean-up of field equipment and 
supplies at the end of camp.

Minimum Qualifications: High school graduate or equivalent with 3 years 
field experience. Good communication and team skills. Working knowledge 
of personal computers including use of word processing, spreadsheets,and 
databases. Ability to swim. Must be able to pass pre-deployment training 
requirements including field medical training before being deployed to 
remote island. Ability to work in remote locations for extended periods 
of time. Must be able to work long hours in the sun. Must be able to 
walk long distances (up to 7 miles) in the sand carrying 25-35 pounds of 
field gear.  Must be able to manually restrain immature seals (up to 200 
pounds). Must be able to obtain medical clearance for working on NOAA 
research vessels.

Desirable qualities include prior field experience in a Hawaiian monk 
seal field camp. Previous experience in field or laboratory studies of 
marine mammals, previous experience handling marine mammals, working 
knowledge of computers, previous data entry experience, prefer 
applicants interested in pursuing career in marine mammalogy or related 
field. Ability to operate small boat and conduct routine maintenance.

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