Dear colleagues, 

Apologies for cross posting!

The following paper has recently been published:
Bloch, D. and Mikkelsen, B. 2009. Catch history and distribution of
White-sided dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus, in the Faroe Islands.
Fróðskaparrit 57: 190-199.
Since 1872, the catch data informs about 9,435 whitesided dolphins
taken in 158 drives, an annual average of 68.4 whales and 1.1 pod, and
168 whales and 2.8 pods for only the years containing a catch. The
annual catch has ranged 0-774 whales in 1-10 pods. The pod size has
ranged 1-544 (avg. 60 whales) with 74% < 50 whales/pod.Most white-sided
dolphins were observed south off Suðuroy and 37% dolphins from20 pods
has been killed in Vágur and Hvalba. The drives peak in
September and none has occurred in March and December. Offshore the
whale has been reported all year round. A discoloured whale occurred in
two catches.
If you wqnt a pdf copy, don't hesitate to aks me
dorete bloch
NB: New phone numbers
Dorete Bloch, Professor, PhD.
Head of Zool. Dept.
Faroese Museum of Natural History
Fútalág 40
FO-100 Tórshavn
Faroe Islands
T: +298 35 23 09
M: +298 29 23 09
F: +298 35 23 21
M: +298 21 81 45 - private
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