Dear All,

**I'm writing to alert everyone to an important issue for comment.**

NMFS recently issued a draft environmental impact statement (DEIS) on offshore 
oil and gas exploration - both seismic surveying and drilling - in the Alaskan 
Arctic.  As written, the document contemplates high levels of activity.  The 
Beaufort Sea could see as many as six 2D/3D seismic surveys, five site 
clearance/shallow hazard surveys, and two exploratory drilling programs each 
year; and the Chukchi Sea as many as five 2D/3D seismic surveys, five site 
clearance/shallow hazard surveys, and two exploratory drilling programs 

NRDC and pretty much the entirety of the environmental community are deeply 
concerned about the poor analysis in the document.

For example, NMFS assumes that marine mammals would not be disturbed by airgun 
noise at received levels below 160 dB.  It makes no attempt to quantify how 
much disruption would occur each year, or to model masking effects, or to 
consider the cumulative impacts of all this anticipated activity on acoustic 
habitat.  And it leaves uncertain whether it will adopt any measure, such as 
time/place restrictions, that can mitigate impacts beyond a short distance of 
the airgun array or drilling site.

**NMFS is accepting comments through February 28.**  Your input will be 
critical to convincing the agency that a scientifically defensible final 
product will require considerably more effort.

You can download the impact statement at  Comments should be 
submitted to:<>.  
I'd be grateful for a copy of any comments you send.  Please feel free to email 
me with questions.

Many thanks,

Michael Jasny
Senior Policy Analyst
Natural Resources Defense Council
4479 W. 5th Avenue
Vancouver, BC  V6R1S4
tel. 604-736-9386
mob. 310-560-5536
fax 310-434-2399<>

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