Hi all,

The following paper has just been published in the Journal of Applied Ecology, 
and is free to download from the journal website (see link).

Gormley, A.M., Slooten, E., Dawson, S., Barker, R.J., Rayment, W., du Fresne, 
S., Bräger, S. (2012) First evidence that marine protected areas can work for 
marine mammals. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 474-480.


1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) have been advocated for the protection of 
threatened marine mammals, but there is no empirical evidence that they are 
effective. In 1988, the Banks Peninsula Marine Mammal Sanctuary was established 
to reduce gillnet mortalities of Hector’s dolphin Cephalorhynchus hectori, an 
endangered dolphin species endemic to New Zealand. This study assesses the 
effectiveness of the MPA in improving the survival rate of Hector’s dolphin at 
Banks Peninsula.
2. Over 21 years, we undertook photo-identification surveys of Hector’s 
dolphins along standardized transects from small outboard-powered boats. From 
1986 to 2006, we photographically captured 462 reliably marked individuals. We 
estimated mean annual survival during the pre-sanctuary and post-sanctuary 
periods by applying a Bayesian random effects capture-recapture model to the 
data. Population growth was estimated from population simulations using a 
stage-structured matrix model.
3. We estimate a 90% probability that survival has improved between the 
pre-sanctuary and post-sanctuary periods, with estimates of mean survival 
probability increasing by 5.4% (from 0.863 to 0.917). This improvement in 
survival corresponds to a 6% increase in mean annual population growth (from 
0.939 to 0.995).
4. Synthesis and applications. Our study demonstrates improvement in a 
demographic parameter of an endangered marine mammal species following 
conservation action. Our results provide evidence that area-based protection 
measures can be effective for marine mammals. We note that estimating 
demographic parameters in marine mammals requires many years of data to achieve 
sufficient precision to detect biologically meaningful change. MPAs should be 
established with a commitment to long-term monitoring.

On behalf of the authors

Andrew Gormley

Andrew Gormley
Quantitative Ecologist, Wildlife Ecology & Management
Landcare Research - Manaaki Whenua
PO Box 40, Lincoln 7640, New Zealand

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