Dear All,

The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS /<>) and 
ASCOBANS (Agreement on the Conservation of Small Cetaceans of the Baltic, North 
East Atlantic, Irish and North Seas /<>) are currently preparing an extension 
to their existing exhibition material focusing specifically on several threats 
to marine species. In order to be able to finalise the banners, we still 
require some high resolution photos. Also, with the photographers' permission, 
we would be interested to use these in other awareness raising activities, too.

For the "Threat Exhibition", we are urgently looking for free photos of:

*       Ship strikes (e.g. whale on bow, or injuries clearly related to 
collisions or propeller strikes)

*       Narwhal/s

For other outreach and educational activities, we would also be interested in:

*       Breaching orca

*       Memorable photos of any other cetacean species

*       Use of pingers

*       Small cetacean bycatch

*       Use of bubble curtain to mitigate noise (pile-driving or explosion)

*       Marine life (cetacean, turtle or bird) affected by plastics

*       Small cetacean affected by ship or propeller strikes

*       Sustainable whale/dolphin watching

If you have any suitable photos on these themes, we would be very grateful if 
you would make them available to us. For all the threat-related photos, please 
bear in mind that these pictures are to be used for the general public, so they 
should clearly illustrate the problem (not requiring extensive explanations), 
but not be too shocking (we don't want children to burst into tears when seeing 
our exhibition).

We will always give due credit to the photographer and/or organisation whenever 
we use a photo, so for each submission please include in the file name (a) the 
species that can be seen on the image (if known) and (b) how the image shall be 
credited. If you would like to grant permission for a specific purpose but not 
others, please let us know.

CMS and ASCOBANS are UN treaties and therefore non-profit organisations. While 
we have a strong mandate for outreach and education activities, our resources 
are very limited. We are therefore very grateful for all submissions of 
suitable photos!

Thank you in advance and kind regards,

Ms Heidrun FRISCH
ASCOBANS Coordinator / CMS Marine Mammals Officer
UN Campus - Room 927
Hermann-Ehlers-Str. 10 - 53113 Bonn, Germany
Phone +49 228 815 2418 - Fax +49 228 815 2440 / 49
Skype: cms_marinemammalsofficer<> /<><> /<>

1992-2012 - 20th Anniversary

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