Dear Marmamers,

We are pleased to announce that the 27th European Cetacean Society Conference will be held in Setúbal, Portugal, from 8-10 of April 2013. It will be hosted by Escola de Mar, Associação Para as Ciências do Mar and Reserva Natural do Estuário do Sado (RNES-ICNF) with the sponsorship and support of the Municipality of Setúbal.

The main theme of the conference is ?Interdisciplinary approaches in the study of marine mammals?. It is our expectation that this conference, placed in a context of interdisciplinary research, will show past, recent and current trends as well as new prospects in the study and conservation of marine mammals.

Please take note of milestones and important dates:
- 23 November 2012: Deadline for abstract and workshop submission; Deadline for support and student grant request
- 11 January 2013: Decision of acceptance
- 25 January 2013: Deadline for early registration; Deadline for video submission
- 1 March 2013: Deadline for late registration
- 6-7 April 2013: Workshops
- 8-10 April 2013: Main conference

Websites, both of the ECS and the 2013 conference, are still being updated and will be made available during the next few weeks.

News about the conference will also be regularly updated on the Facebook group of ECS. Join us at:
Conference email is:

See you all in Setúbal where tradition and history, the river and the sea, the dolphins and the mountains, will warmly welcome you.

Regards from Portugal,

Cristina Brito and Marina Sequeira.

Escola de Mar - Ciência e Consciência nos Oceanos,

Edifício ICAT - Campus da FCUL
Campo Grande 1749-016 Lisboa

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