Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to inform about the new publication on the biology of 
franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in Patagonia Argentina:


Failla M, Seijas VA, Esposito R y Iñiguez MI. 2012. Franciscana Dolphins, 
Pontoporia blainvillei, of the Río Negro Estuary, Patagonia, Argentina. Marine 
Biodiversity Records, 5, e102 doi:10.1017/S1755267212000875



Studies on the biology of the franciscana dolphin (Pontoporia blainvillei) in 
the Río Negro Estuary (RNE), Patagonia, Argentina, were carried out from 2002 
to 2011. Information about group size, group dispersion and behaviour was 
collected from the coast and by boat, using scanning and focal animal/group 
sampling methodology. Group size varied from 1 to 5 dolphins ( X  = 1.69; 
standard deviation (SD) = 0.74; N = 121), 2 being the most frequent value 
(46.28%; N = 56). Group dispersion varied from 0 to 10 dolphin length (DL) ( X  
= 1.4; SD = 0.75; N = 51), 0 DL (54.9%; N = 28) being the most frequent value. 
Behaviour of travelling, feeding, milling and resting were recorded, with a 
higher frequency of animals travelling (36.58%; N = 45). Calves were observed 
in spring and summer (N = 10). 13 stranded individuals were reported and 3 of 
them were collected from gillnets. Data presented herein indicate year-round 
presence of franciscana as well as the RNE being the southernmost breeding and 
feeding site reported to date. The establishment of the proposed natural 
reserve by the Governments of Río Negro and Buenos Aires provinces and 
continued long-term studies are urgently recommended.


Keywords: franciscana dolphins; Pontoporia blainvillei ; habitat use; 
behaviour; Patagonia; Argentina.


The full publication can be downloaded from:

Greetings to all,


Fundación Cethus - 20 years


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