Dear MARMAM list subscribers,

We are pleased to announce the publication of our new study in PLOS One.

Kind regards, Robert Boessenecker and Morgan Churchill

R.W. Boessenecker and M. Churchill. 2013. A reevaluation of the morphology, 
paleoecology, and phylogenetic relationships of the enigmatic walrus 
Pelagiarctos. PLoS One 8(1) e54311. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054311.

Full text available at:



A number of aberrant walruses (Odobenidae) have been described from the Neogene 
of the North Pacific, including specialized suction-feeding and generalist 
fish-eating taxa. At least one of these fossil walruses has been hypothesized 
to have been a specialized predator of other marine mammals, the middle Miocene 
walrus Pelagiarctos thomasi from the Sharktooth Hill Bonebed of California 
(16.1–14.5 Ma).

Methodology/Principal Findings

A new specimen of Pelagiarctos from the middle Miocene “Topanga” Formation of 
southern California (17.5–15 Ma) allows a reassessment of the morphology and 
feeding ecology of this extinct walrus. The mandibles of this new specimen are 
robust with large canines, bulbous premolars with prominent paraconid, 
metaconid, hypoconid cusps, crenulated lingual cingula with small talonid 
basins, M2 present, double-rooted P3–M1, single-rooted P1 and M2, and a P2 with 
a bilobate root. Because this specimen lacks a fused mandibular symphysis like 
Pelagiarctos thomasi, it is instead referred to Pelagiarctos sp. This specimen 
is more informative than the fragmentary holotype of Pelagiarctos thomasi, 
permitting Pelagiarctos to be included within a phylogenetic analysis for the 
first time. Analysis of a matrix composed of 90 cranial, dental, mandibular and 
postcranial characters indicates that Pelagiarctos is an early diverging walrus 
and sister to the late Miocene walrus Imagotaria downsi. We reevaluate the 
evidence for a macropredatory lifestyle for Pelagiarctos, and we find no 
evidence of specialization towards a macrophagous diet, suggesting that 
Pelagiarctos was a generalist feeder with the ability to feed on large prey.


This new specimen of Pelagiarctos adds to the knowledge of this problematic 
taxon. The phylogenetic analysis conclusively demonstrates that Pelagiarctos is 
an early diverging walrus. Pelagiarctos does not show morphological 
specializations associated with macrophagy, and was likely a generalist 
predator, feeding on fish, invertebrates, and the occasional warm-blooded prey 

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