Greetings everyone-

For those of you who are attending the 2013 Biennial Marine Mammal
Conference in New Zealand we would like to remind you of the special
session on the humane killing of marine mammals.  This sessionto be held at
the upcoming biennial conference in Dunedin, New Zealand Dec 9-13, 2013.
The purpose of this panel discussion is NOT to attempt a consensus or agree
on a Society position, but instead to educate members with regard to
current scientific perspectives on these complex technical, ethical and
cultural issues.

The special session will have the following basic structure: (1) an
independent facilitator, (2) introductory speaker(s) who will outline the
relevant science, and (3) an expert panel with the capacity to represent a
diversity of viewpoints on the issue in answers to questions provided by
the Society’s membership.

 We strongly encourage Society members to submit questions/comments prior
to the meeting via the Member Area of the website.   You can submit here:

You will be asked to log in.  Only SMM members can submit questions.

Some examples of questions include:

How do you define humane?

Does that definition vary between cultures/countries?

What is currently being done to identify human techinques killing marine

How do you know what is humane?

These are only just the start of the questions on a very complex and
important topic.  Please take a moment to think about this issue and share
your questions!

See you in Dunedin.

SMM Ethics Committee
MARMAM mailing list

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