Consultancy Opportunity


Senior Social Scientist

International Marine Mammal Bycatch Assessment Project



The New England Aquarium is seeking to hire a consultant for a project
that is assessing marine mammal bycatch in three countries: Ecuador,
Chile, and one in Southeast Asia (Vietnam or Thailand). Bycatch is the
principal and most immediate threat to many species and populations of
marine mammals. In many parts of the world, especially in countries with
large artisanal fishing sectors, the extent of this bycatch is largely
undocumented. This project will take the initial step of understanding
the bycatch associated with particular fisheries-industrial and
small-scale-in three target countries, so that bycatch reduction
programs can be directed at the fisheries where they are most needed. 


The consultant will work with a team of in-country data collectors (4)
from each of the three countries. The consultant's responsibilities will
be to: 

(1) Assist in the design of questionnaires and interview protocols for
collecting information from fishermen about bycatch; 

(2) Train in-country data collectors hired by the NEAq in administering
questionnaires and carrying out interviews;

(3) Assist in the analysis of the results from these surveys; and

(4) Help write the final assessment as a technical report for NOAA


The total period of the consultancy is approximately 30 work days (210
hours) spread over a one-year period. The Social Scientist will be
required to make three overseas trips altogether totaling less than two
weeks: Two short trips to South America (Ecuador and Chile), and one to
Southeast Asia. The consultancy offers a competitive fee for services.


Expertise Required

*         Experience in community assessment methodologies, in
particular using interview and questionnaire administration protocols

*         A PhD or equivalent experience in the social sciences

*         Excellent written and verbal communication abilities

*         Excellent analytical skills with social science information

*         Familiarity with working in third world countries, and both
flexibility and sensitivity when working within different cultures and

Expertise Preferred

*         Fluency in Spanish and/or Thai or Vietnamese

*         Previous work with fishing communities and marine conservation

Starting Date

February, 2014



Interested applicants should Email a CV and expression of interest to: 



Assistant Scientist

Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction 

John H. Prescott Marine Laboratory

New England Aquarium

Central Wharf, Boston MA 02110


twitter: bycatchorg




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