Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the recent publication of the following paper:

Parra, G. J. and Jedensjö, M. (2013), Stomach contents of Australian snubfin 
(Orcaella heinsohni) and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). 
Marine Mammal Science. doi: 10.1111/mms.12088

Little information exists on the feeding habits of Australian Snubfin (Orcaella 
heinsohni) and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis). In this study, 
we provide quantitative analyses of the diet of both dolphin species in 
Queensland waters, Australia, based on the examination of stomach contents (14 
snubfins and 9 humpbacks) collected from stranded and by-caught animals between 
1970 and 2008. Our results suggest that snubfin and humpback dolphins are 
opportunistic-generalist feeders, eating a wide variety of fish and cephalopods 
associated with coastal-estuarine waters. The most important prey in numerical 
terms for snubfin dolphins was the cardinal fish (Apogon sp.), followed by the 
cuttlefish (Sepia sp.), the squid Uroteuthis (Photololigo) sp. and the 
toothpony fish (Gazza sp.). Grunts (Pomadasys sp.), cardinal fishes (Apogon 
sp.) and smelt-whitings (Sillago spp.) were the most important fish prey by 
number for humpback dolphins. Partial dietary overlap in their fish diet 
reflects the similar coastal-estuarine waters in which both species forage. 
Interspecific differences in consumption of cephalopods are likely explained by 
differences in facial morphology. Dolphin's prey items included taxa that are 
targeted by net and trawling fisheries in Queensland. Interactions with coastal 
fisheries are expected, particularly in areas where fishing operations overlap 
with dolphins' high use areas.

A PDF copy of the paper in press can be accessed via :

or via email requests to:<>

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

All the best,

Guido J. Parra, PhD

Research Leader, Cetacean Ecology, Behaviour and Evolution Lab (CEBEL)
School of Biological Sciences
Flinders University
Sturt Road, Bedford Park|South Australia|5042
GPO Box 2100|Adelaide| South Australia|5001
Lab website:<>
My Flinders Staff Page<>

Cetacean Ecologist
Threatened, Endangered & Protected Species (TEPS)
Marine Environment & Ecology Science Program Area
South Australian Research & Development Institute (SARDI) - Aquatic Sciences

Phone: (+61 8) 8201-3565|Mobile: 0437630843|FAX: (+61 8) 8201-3015
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