Research Training: Theory, Practice and Challenges
Research Training Seminar in collaboration with University of Southern Denmark, 
Odense, Denmark.
How do seals perceive the world? Where do dogs look and what do they pay 
attention to? What can dolphins remember and what cognitive tasks can birds 
solve? There are many areas of an animal’s life that are still largely 
unexplored and not well understood. Training animals to participate voluntarily 
in research projects allows researchers to learn about behavior, physiology, 
perception, cognitive ability, and even affective states. This knowledge can 
then be applied to improve welfare and or to aid in efforts to conserve a 
species. Do you want to learn more about training animals for research projects 
with positive reinforcement? Do you want to learn about the theoretical and 
practical aspects and challenges one could encounter? 
This seminar is a combination of lectures, workshops, and animal training 
sessions specifically focused on the topic of research training.

Dates are May 12th - 15th, 2014.
See attached program (still subject to changes).
For more information:

Best wishes,
Sabrina Brando, Kirsten Anderson Hansen, Elizabeth Henderson, Rebecca Singer, 
and Magnus Wahlberg
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