Dear All,

*Last few days to forward your video submission proposals* for the ECS
Conf. March 2015, view flyer:

*Visit 29th ECS Conference Website:*
Early Registration deadline - 16th January 2015

Interesting and diverse workshops being offered, contact the workshop
organisers, view list at:

*Conf. Keynote speakers:* Phil Hammond, Gianni Pavan, Barbara Taylor and

*The theme of the 2015 ECS Conference *

*Marine Mammal Conservation - from Local to Global*

This theme would be supported by a number of keynote presentations that
will look at how conservation efforts are being managed at a range of
levels and the links between them. This will include consideration of
local, national, regional and global conservation initiatives, as well as
methods and mechanisms for addressing both short and long-term impacts. In
addition to original research contributions on the usual range of topics
that include, but are not limited to, health, genetics, by-catch,
acoustics, abundance, distribution, ecology, breeding, behaviour,
conservation, welfare, historical perspectives, we also welcome critical
assessments of conservation policy.
See you in Malta!
ECS Conf 2015 org. team.
MARMAM mailing list

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