Once again, Projeto Boto is recruiting for
9-month internships in the Mamirauá Reserve, Amazon State, Brazil. We require 
enthusiastic, hard-working fieldworkers who will carry forward our long-term
study of botos (Amazon river dolphins). Due to close involvement with local
communities, interns are required to have at least moderate Portuguese language
skills, or to speak excellent Spanish, in addition to English. There can be no
exceptions. In previous years we have received many applications from people
who do not fulfil these language criteria, and this is counter-productive.
Please only apply if you have the necessary skills.

Projeto boto was established in 1994. To date it
has hosted more than 60 interns of many different nationalities. The Project's
objective is to conserve the boto, and the sympatric tucuxi, through research
leading to greater understanding of the biology and ecology of these dolphins.
In recent years we have also spent considerable time investigating the impacts
of fisheries on these species, and especially a harpoon hunt, in which
thousands of botos are killed each year for fish bait.

We are seeking two people to commence work as
soon as possible, and we would also like to hear from people available in
mid-late 2016. 

Our work is centred on a floating
lab/accommodation base, moored in the flooded forest. The research team
comprises 3-5 people, who maintain daily observational boat-based research
effort year-round. The basis of the work is the piecing together of the lives
of over 600 individually recognisable dolphins, to provide publishable
information on such diverse topics as growth, reproduction, habitat use, social
system, seasonal movements, survival rates, causes of mortality etc.

Interns are provided with free accommodation and
food, and receive a small monthly stipend (approx $150 US). Transportation to
the fieldsite (near the town of Tefé, Amazonas) from Manaus is provided, but
interns must arrange and pay for their own transportation to Manaus. They must
also have adequate medical insurance. Please do not apply unless you know that
you can obtain the airfare to reach Manaus. All necessary training is provided
on site.

Internships offer the opportunity of a lifetime.
They reward hard work and dedication with unique experiences and a chance to
stand out from the crowd in subsequent applications for higher degrees and

Successful applicants will:

be aged 21-35

speak at least moderate Portuguese or fluent
Spanish, in addition to English

be available for 9-12 months

have completed a university degree, preferably
in zoology or biology

preferably have some fieldwork experience,
especially in the use of photo-ID


Applicants should please provide:


Full CV, complete with age, nationality,
linguistic skills, educational and fieldwork experience

A letter explaining why you are prepared to
dedicate 9 months of your life to this study.

The names and email addresses of 3 referees who
are familiar with you and your work.

The date on which you would be available to
start work in the Amazon.

Send this information by email to both of the
Project co-ordinators, Prof. Tony Martin (b...@live.co.uk) and Dr Vera
da Silva (vmfdasi...@gmail.com).

Closing date is 24 November 2015. Applications
fulfilling the above criteria will be acknowledged within 4 days of the closing
date, but there will be no further communication unless the applicant is
short-listed. Short-listed applicants will be notified by 30 November latest.

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