Marine Mammals Research Association (DMAD) iscurrently seeking for two 
researcher, based in beautiful city Antalya, Turkey.The project is focused on 
the conservation of marine mammals (dominantlybottlenose dolphins, beaked 
whales and Mediterranean monk seals), monitoringtheir abundance, distribution, 
behaviour by using a combination of boat andland surveys.

Researchers are primarily responsible for maintaining thecetacean research 
program and coordinating the volunteers. An important part ofthe work involves 
behavioural data collection, theodolite operation,photographing individuals and 
cataloguing dolphin/monk seal pictures, dataentry, supervise volunteers. 
Training will be provided beforehand. 

Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

-Coordinate between the project director and projectvolunteers

-Be in charge of shared house and weekly work plan

-Train the volunteers on land and boat based surveys,photo ID, data entry

-Optional opportunity to undertake a personal researchproject supervised by the 
project director. 


The successful applicant is expected to have completeda BSc degree (or higher) 
in biology, marine biology or zoology and able todemonstrate previous 
experience in marine mammal research. A strong knowledge onmarine mammal 
species in Mediterranean is an advantage. Practical experience 
ofphoto-identification (both photography and matching) and theodolite 
operationis desirable. The applicant must be proficient with database and 
wordprocessing software and be willing to learn new software applications. 

Researchers must be self-motivated, with the drive anddetermination to work 
independently and responsibly. Minimum commitment is fivemonth. The position is 
open as early as January.

This position is unpaid, but accommodation plus pucketmoney to cover some of 
the food expenses will be provided.  Researcher will be responsible for their 
owntravel expenses to Antalya.

To apply:

Send CV and covering letter, with the names of tworeferees, by e-mail to or 

Deadline for Applications: Sunday 10th January2015.

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