Dear Marmam Subscribers,

My co-author and I are pleased to announce a new publication in Royal
Society Open Science describing the patterning of social networks in Golfo
Dulce and testing the impact of feeding behaviors on that social structure
by comparing patterning between behavioral states.

Moreno K, Acevedo-Gutiérrez A. 2016 The social structure of Golfo Dulce
bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and the influence of behavioural
state. R. Soc. open sci. 3: 160010.

The paper is open access and is available at  http://rsos.
Or full text can be found at the following links:
HTML Full Text:

Abstract - Ecological factors such as habitat and food availability affect
the social structure of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.). Here, we
describe the social structure of bottlenose dolphins (T. truncatus) in
Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica, a semi-enclosed, fjord-like tropical embayment
resembling a pelagic system. We also examine behaviour-linked social
strategies by comparing social structure relative to behavioural state:
feeding versus non-feeding. We analysed 333 sightings over 210 days from
boat-based surveys. Despite the uniqueness of the area, the 47 analysed
adults had a social structure similar to other populations: a
well-differentiated fission–fusion society with sex-specific patterns of
associations and aggression. These results indicate that differences in
social structure relative to other populations were a matter of degree.
Association strength of dyads was highly correlated across behavioural
states, indicating constraints on social fluidity. Males displayed a marked
difference in lagged association rate and females displayed a small
difference in association homogeneity between states. We suggest this
difference in population-wide social connections between behavioural
states, particularly for males, was due to mating strategies, a pressure
which is strongest during non-feeding behaviour and relaxed during feeding.
This finding highlights the importance of considering behavioural state
when examining individual bonds and the behavioural plasticity for which
the bottlenose dolphin is well known.

Kelsey R. Moreno, B.S.

MA/PhD Student

Marine Mammal Behavior and Cognition Laboratory

University of Southern Mississippi

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