Dear MARMAM Community,

Established under the auspices of the UNEP Convention on Migratory Species 
(UNEP/CMS), the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, 
Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS) is an 
Intergovernmental Agreement aimed at achieving and maintaining a favorable 
conservation status for cetaceans though the implementation of coordinated 

The ACCOBAMS Secretariat is seeking a Project Officer for the “ACCOBAMS Survey 
Initiative” (ASI). This is a pilot initiative aimed at establishing an 
integrated and coordinated monitoring system for cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS 
area, in coordination with the riparian countries and with their participation.

One of the objective of the ASI is to establish a baseline framework to assess 
cetaceans abundance and distribution at the macroregional level. A synoptic 
survey will be carried out across the Agreement area combining visual survey 
methods (aerial- and ship-based surveys) and passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) 
with the participation of scientists of the whole area. When possible, data 
will be also collected for all species of species of conservation importance 
encountered (e.g. reptiles, fish, elasmobranchs…).

The project will also provide capacity building and development of harmonized 
monitoring methodologies, with the view to establish a regional systematic 
monitoring program of cetaceans species.

The overall coordination of the project is provided by the ACCOBAMS 
Secretariat, according to the mandate given by the Parties to ACCOBAMS, and 
under the guidance of a Steering Committee. A Scientific Coordinator will be 
involved in the project for specific tasks/actions related to the scientific 
aspects of the project.

The Project Officer will ensure the overall coordination of the “ACCOBAMS 
Survey Initiative” project. He/she will provide operational management of the 
project, under the general authority of the ACCOBAMS Executive Secretary and 
the supervision of the ACCOBAMS Project and Fundraising Officer. He/she will 
also liaise with the Scientific Coordinator.

This is a full-time position based in the Principality of Monaco, at the 
ACCOBAMS Permanent Secretariat.

The ASI Project Officer position is a fixed-term contract corresponding to the 
duration of the project (42 months), starting as soon as possible.

Remuneration will be dependent on the candidate’s experience. Minimum monthly 
take-home salary (before-tax payment) will be 2,400.00 Euros . The contract 
will cover basic national health insurance, pension and unemployment insurance.


The ASI Project Officer will be responsible for the management and the overall 
coordination of all operational matters of the project including (but not 
limited to) the following:

Project development
- Finalize the project documents based on the requirements of the funding 
partners, in liaison with the Project Steering Committee and the Scientific 
- Liaise with the national representatives to further define their contribution 
to the project.

Project management and delivery
- Ensure timely implementation/coordination of the project activities through 
systematic planning, monitoring and evaluation;
- Liaise with the national representatives during all the project duration;
- Prepare and monitor the implementation of contracts with experts/consultants 
and Memoranda with national partners;
- Coordinate the organization and follow up of meetings and workshops;
- Contribute to the liaison of the ACCOBAMS Secretariat with the different 
ACCOBAMS Bodies (Bureau of Parties, Scientific Committee) for the issues 
related to the project;
- Contribute to the liaison of the ACCOBAMS Secretariat with the Project 
Steering Committee and the Project Scientific Coordinator;
- Ensure the technical and financial reporting to funding partners;
- Liaise with the funding partners to monitor the progress in the 
implementation of the project
- Write communication material required by the project (outreach materials, 
website content);
- Maintain an adequate paper and electronic filing system.

ACCOBAMS regular activity
- Attend, as representative of the ACCOBAMS Secretariat, national and 
international events (meetings, workshops, field surveys, etc.) and promote the 
interests of the Agreement in other fora, in relation to the project;
- Contribute in servicing the ACCOBAMS institutional meetings;
- Contribute to team and staff meetings.

- Undertake other duties as required by the Executive Secretary in relation to 
the project.


All candidates for this position must provide evidence of the following:

Education, knowledge and experience
- Advanced university degree (Master’s degree or equivalent) in environmental 
studies, biology or related field with specialization. A background in marine 
environment would be an advantage;
- At least five years or relevant experience in 
management/development/monitoring of multi-partner conservation projects 
(delivery, budgeting, reporting, writing publications, organizing meetings and 
workshops) and environmental policy coordination and/or related field, 
including at least two years at the international level;
- Previous experience in the ACCOBAMS area is desirable.

Skills and competencies
- Excellent project management skills;
- Diplomatic skills;
- Interest in nature conservation;
- Ability to work independently, innovatively and collaboratively with 
colleagues in order to achieve organizational goals;
- Ability to plan and prioritize workloads and capability of meeting deadlines;
- Persistence when problems or challenges appear;
- Excellent interpersonal skills, especially within multicultural/multilingual 
- Ability to interact with tact and diplomacy;
- Willingness to undertake travel abroad.


-          Excellent written and oral communication skills in both English and 
French. Knowledge of other languages of the ACCOBAMS area is an asset.


Applicants are invited to submit the following items to prove their 
qualification to respond to the objectives of this position:
- A cover letter
- A two-page supporting document in which the applicant should answer the 
following questions:

o    What led you to apply for this position?

o    Why would you like to work for ACCOBAMS and its geographical area?

o    What are the two most important technical abilities that you would bring 
to the project?

o    What is the single most important technical ability that you would need in 
order to manage the project successfully?

o    What are the two most important personal characteristics that would help 
you to succeed in this job?
- A CV
- List of 3 referees.

Applications should be submitted electronically, in English, with all the 
material in a single email, to Mrs. Florence DESCROIX-COMANDUCCI, ACCOBAMS 
Executive Secretary (<>).

The deadline is 2 October 2016. A shortlist of qualified candidates will be 
formally invited for interview around mid-October 2016. Interviews will be 
conducted via Skype.

For further information please go to:<>



Project Officer
ACCOBAMS Secretariat
Jardin de l’UNESCO
Terrasses de Fontvieille
MC-98000 Monaco
Tel : +377 9898 4074

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