Dear Colleagues,
Our new micr- macrovibrissal paper in phocids in now published in Brain, 
Behavior and Evolution and can be found at the following link:

Christopher Marshall

Mattson*, E.E., MARSHALL, C.D. 2016. Follicle Microstructure and Innervation 
Vary Between Pinniped Micro- and Macrovibrissae. Brain Behavior and Evolution. 

Histological data from terrestrial, semiaquatic, and fully aquatic mammal 
vibrissa (whisker) studies indicate that follicle microstructure and 
innervation vary across the mystacial vibrissal array (i.e. medial 
microvibrissae to lateral macrovibrissae). However, comparative data are 
lacking, and current histological studies on pinniped vibrissae only focus on 
the largest ventrolateral vibrissae. Consequently, we investigated the 
microstructure, medial-to-lateral innervation, and morphometric trends in harp 
seal (Pagophilus groenlandicus) vibrissal follicle-sinus complexes (F-SCs). The 
F-SCs were sectioned either longitudinally or in cross-section and stained with 
a modified Masson's trichrome stain (microstructure) or Bodian's silver stain 
(innervation). All F-SCs exhibited a tripartite blood organization system. The 
dermal capsule thickness, the distribution of major branches of the deep 
vibrissal nerve, and the hair shaft design were more symmetrical in medial 
F-SCs, but these features became more asymmetrical as the F-SCs became more 
lateral. Overall, the mean axon count was 1,221 ± 422.3 axons/F-SC and mean 
axon counts by column ranged from 550 ± 97.4 axons/F-SC (medially, column 11) 
to 1,632 ± 173.2 axons/F-SC (laterally, column 2). These values indicate a 
total of 117,216 axons innervating the entire mystacial vibrissal array. The 
mean axon count of lateral F-SCs was 1,533 ± 192.9 axons/ F-SC, which is 
similar to values reported in the literature for other pinniped F-SCs. Our data 
suggest that conventional studies that only examine the largest ventrolateral 
vibrissae may overestimate the total innervation by ∼20%. However, our study 
also accounts for variation in quantification methods and shows that 
conventional analyses likely only overestimate innervation by ∼10%. The 
relationship between axon count and cross-sectional F-SC surface area was 
nonlinear, and axon densities were consistent across the snout. Our data 
indicate that harp seals exhibit microstructural and innervational differences 
between t
heir microvibrissae (columns 8-11) and macrovibrissae (columns 1-7). We 
hypothesize that this feature is conserved among pinnipeds and may result in 
functional compartmentalization within their mystacial vibrissal arrays.

Christopher D. Marshall, Ph.D.
Department of Marine Biology
200 Seawolf Parkway
Building 3029, Room 253
Texas A&M University
Galveston, Texas 77553
Phone: (409) 740-4884
Fax: (409) 740-5001
(please note the difference in the spelling of my last name)
Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things
brought together.
- Vincent van Gogh

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