Dear All,

we are pleased to announce the publication of the following short note in Polar Biology:

Bombosch, A. & Solovyev, B. 2017. “Weddell seal (/Leptonychotes weddellii)/ killing Gentoo Penguin (/Pygoscelis papua/) at Neko Harbour, Antarctic Peninsula”. Polar Biology. Doi:10.1007/s00300-016-2070-3

_Abstract: _
Weddell seals (/Leptonychotes weddellii/) typically prey on fish, cephalopods, and invertebrates. While other seal species also include penguins as part of their regular diet, such as leopard seals, this behavior seems unusual for Weddell seals. Here, we describe an opportunistic observation of a Weddell seal attacking and killing a Gentoo Penguin (/Pygoscelis papua/) at Neko Harbour, Antarctic Peninsula. This behavior has rarely been observed and published. Yet, we collected several additional anecdotal observations from various regions around Antarctica, indicating that this behavior might be more common than previously assumed, challenging our current understanding of Weddell seal foraging ecology.

The note is available online here:

Kind Regards
Annette Bombosch

Dr. Annette Bombosch

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