Dear Marmamers; just sharing a recent contibution to the knowledge on
cetaceans at the southwestern Atlantic coastal waters with available
download from an open access journal.


Prof. Marcos Cesar de Oliveira Santos
Laboratorio de Biologia da Conservacao de Mamiferos Aquaticos (LABCMA)
Insituto Oceanografico, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Santos, MCO; Laílson-Brito, J.; Flach, L.; Oshima, JEF; Figueiredo, GC;
Carvalho, RR; Ventura, ES; Molina, JMB; Azevedo, A.F. 2019. Cetacean
movements in coastal waters of the southwestern Atlantic ocean. *Biota
Neotropica, *19(2): e20180670. BN-2018-0670

ABSTRACT: Cetaceans were monitored along ca. 700 km of the southeast coast
of Brazil (22S to 25S) from 1995 to 2014 using photo-identification. The
objective of this study was to identify any presence of long-distance
movements for monitored cetacean species and discuss implications. Data on
long-range movements of four of the monitored species are presented after
the analysis of 321,765 photographs taken for individual identification.
Seven individuals from four populations of Guiana dolphins (Sotalia
guianensis) considered resident to particular estuaries or bays were
reported in dispersal involving movement between pairs of protected areas
over long-range distances varying between 86 and 135 km. Three cataloged
rough-toothed dolphins (Stenobredanensis), first seen in Guanabara Bay, Rio
de Janeiro state (22o46’S) in November 2011, were sighted 240 km southwards
as members of the same group in coastal waters of Sao Paulo state (23o46’S)
in July 2014. Water depth for those sightings ranged from 16 to 52.7 m;
local sightings of rough-toothed dolphins in Brazil have frequently been in
shallow waters, but the species global distribution is usually associated
with deeper waters. In a 27-day interval in the spring of 2012, a group of
16 orcas (Orcinus orca) travelled ca. 277 km in shallow coastal waters
ranging from 20 to 30 m deep. Orcas are commonly observed between November
and February in southeast Brazil, probably in search for prey. In summer
months between 2012 and 2014, three Bryde’s whales (Balaenoptera edeni)
sighted in waters ranging from 14 to 49 m deep, moved between 218 and 327
km. Bryde’s whales are usually found in local coastal waters where they
spend summer months feeding on sardines. To date, these are the longest
estimated movements reported to S. guianensis, S. bredanensis, O. orca and B.
edeni in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean.
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