Dear MARMAM Colleagues,

The Southern Ocean Persistent Pollutants Program (SOPOPP) at Griffith 
University's Environmental Futures Research Institute, is currently seeking a 
highly motivated PhD student to join our team investigating the risk of 
humpback whale ship strike in Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland.

This project aligns with the Australian government strategy for the mitigation 
of vessel strike of marine mega-fauna, and will be conducted in collaboration 
with the Port of Brisbane Pty. Ltd. and the Commonwealth Scientific and 
Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Suitable candidates will demonstrate 
a robust mathematical background, familiarity with ecological modelling 
approaches, and ideally have prior experience in boat operation and cetacean 
field work.

The successful applicant will need to secure an Australian Postgraduate Award 
Scholarship /Griffith University Postgraduate Scholarship. Scholarship 
applications close Monday 29th April, 2019 for a late 2019 start.  Scholarships 
are merit based and applicants will need to demonstrate that they hold a 1st 
class honours or equivalent, or have been leading author on at least one 
peer-reviewed journal article.

Application Details:

Interested applicants should send an expression of interest to Associate 
Professor Susan Bengtson Nash 
(<>) no 
later than 5th April, 2019

Associate Professor Susan Bengtson Nash

Program Director

Southern Ocean Persistent Organic Pollutants Program (SOPOPP)

SCAR: Chair of ImPACT | ARC: College of Experts | Editor: Scientific Reports

Environmental Futures Research Institute (EFRI),  Griffith University,  Nathan 

170 Kessels Road, Nathan, QLD 4111, Australia.

Email: | Phone: +61 (0)7 3735 5062  | Mobile: 
+61 (0)437 888 711

Twitter: @Antarctica_POPs | Skype: s.bengtsonnash | Website:


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