Good day MARMAMers,

The Wild Lens Collective is a non-profit conservation media organization.
Our mission is to build conservation-minded communities and produce content
documenting the efforts of researchers, citizens scientists, and other
organizations focused on the conservation of our natural world.

In 2015, we launched our vaquita film campaign, Souls of the Vermilion Sea
in order to address the drastic decline of the vaquita porpoise in the
Upper Gulf of California. Since then we have partnered with a variety of
organizations that have combined their efforts to combat this dire issue.
The culmination of these partnerships and our efforts to produce several
short films, podcasts, and educational materials has allowed us to
collaborate with some really amazing filmmakers and production companies.
The result of these experiences has allowed us to help produce a feature
length documentary film called Sea of Shadows. This is a huge
accomplishment for the the fight to save not only the vaquita, but the
entire ecosystem of the Upper Gulf of California. During the time that it
took all of us to reach this point, the vaquita population has plummeted
and now teeters on the edge of extinction. This film, not only raises
awareness about the plight of the vaquita, but will also inform the world
that all species need to be protected to maintain biodiversity.

On July 12, 2019 Sea of Shadows will have its US theatrical release and we
encourage you to see the film and share the vaquitas story.  You can check
your local theaters here:

There will be opportunities for educational screenings in the future, so if
interested contact

Click here to watch the film trailer:

To learn more visit:


Sean Bogle
MARMAM mailing list

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