My coauthors and I are pleased to announce the following paper in Aquatic 

Fire SE, Browning JA, Durden WN, Stolen MK (2019).  Comparison of during-bloom 
and inter-bloom brevetoxin and saxitoxin concentrations in Indian River Lagoon 
bottlenose dolphins, 2002-2011. Aquatic Toxicology 105371.

Harmful algal bloom (HAB) toxins have severe negative impacts on marine 
mammals, particularly for Florida bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) 
which frequently experience mass mortality events. Dolphins on the Florida 
Atlantic coast inhabit a region endemic to two HAB species, Karenia brevis and 
Pyrodinium bahamense, which produce the neurotoxins brevetoxin (PbTx) and 
saxitoxin (STX), respectively. Although toxic HABs and associated dolphin 
mortality events have been reported from this region, there is a lack of 
available data necessary for comparing toxin exposure levels between bloom 
(‘exposed’) conditions and non-bloom (‘baseline’) conditions. Here we present a 
10-year dataset of PbTx and STX concentrations detected in dolphins stranding 
in this region, and compare the toxin loads from HAB-exposed dolphins to those 
detected in dolphins recovered in the absence of a HAB. We analyzed liver 
tissue samples from dead-stranded dolphins (n = 119) recovered and necropsied 
between 2002–2011, using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) modified 
for use with mammalian tissues. For dolphins recovered during baseline 
conditions, toxin-positive samples ranged in concentration from 0.27-1.2 ng/g 
for PbTx and from 0.41-1.9 ng/g for STX. For K. brevis-exposed dolphins, 
concentrations of up to 12.1 ng PbTx/g were detected, and for P. 
bahamense-exposed dolphins, concentrations of up to 9.9 ng STX/g were detected. 
Baseline PbTx values were similar to those reported in other regions where K. 
brevis blooms are more frequent and severe, but HAB-exposed PbTx values were 
considerably lower relative to these other regions. Since no baseline STX 
dolphin data exist for any region, our data serve as a first step towards 
establishing reference STX values for potential dolphin mortality events 
associated with STX-producing blooms in the future. This study demonstrates 
that although HABs in eastern Florida are only infrequently associated with 
dolphin mortalities, the presence of toxins in these animals may pose 
significant health risks in this region.
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