Dear Marmam members 

On behalf of my co-authors I am pleased to share our recent publication in 
Remote Sensing:  "X-Band Radar for Cetacean Detection (Focus on Tursiops 
truncatus) and Preliminary Analysis of Their Behavior"
We tested the capability of an X-band radar (ground based) to track and detect 
cetaceans in the area in front of Corniglia (SP - Italy - Cinque Terre MPA).

The full reference and abstract are found below: 
Mingozzi, M., Salvioli, F., Serafino, F.  "X-Band Radar for Cetacean Detection 
(Focus on Tursiops truncatus) and Preliminary Analysis of Their Behavior" . 
Remote Sensing,  12, 3, (2020).

Abstract: Cetaceans are protected species all over the world, most of them are 
vulnerable, endangered, or data deficient (according to International Union for 
Conservation of Nature - IUCN red list). X-band radars detect the echo of the 
electromagnetic signal reflected by an obstacle or a ship (target). The 
application of X-band radar to the detection of cetaceans is a new and 
innovative field of research that could improve the automation of marine mammal 
data collection, and this is the first time in the Mediterranean Sea. The aim 
of this work was to test the capability of X-band radar installed along the 
coast (ground-based) to detect and track cetaceans in a range of approximately 
2.5 nautical miles from the radar antenna. Data collection included a part of 
field work, implemented through the acquisition of photographic images and 
target’s radar detection (by the panoramic terrace Santa Maria in Corniglia), 
and a part, performed in the laboratory, of data analysis. The work was 
undertaken between May and November 2018. During this period, 30 days of 
monitoring were carried out (about 300 h) and about 10,000 radar images were 
recorded. The first results showed that we were able to recognize the target 
“cetacean” from the other common targets (boats, buoys, etc.) detected by the 
radar. In particular 70 dolphins were sighted by visual census; 12 of them were 
recognized on radar images. Radar images allowed extraction of dolphin dive 
time (between 2 and 15 s). The next step will be to allow the radar to identify 
the presence of marine mammals itself since it also works at night and with low 
visibility. This technique could complement the protection measures of 
cetaceans, highlighting their presence at sea even if it is impossible with 
waves higher than 0.8 m and over distances greater than 2.5 km. 

This paper is accessible online at:

If you do not have access to remote sensing, please do not hesitate to contact 
me for a copy at : 


Matteo M.
MARMAM mailing list

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