The BOEM is happy to share our new publication, which is open-access and can be 
downloaded at<>

Latusek-NabholzJN, Whitt AD, Fertl D, Gallien DR, Ampela K, Khan AA, 
Sidorovskaia N. 2020. Literature synthesis on passive acoustic monitoring 
projects and sound sources in the Gulf of Mexico. New Orleans (LA): US 
Department of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. Contract No.: 
M17PC00001. OCS Study BOEM 2020-009. 99 p.

PURPOSE:  Available and relevant literature and data on previous and ongoing 
passive acoustic monitoring in the Gulf of Mexico (GOM) were compiled. This 
information was reviewed to characterize potential sound sources and their 
distribution in the GOM and to identify existing methodologies for acoustic 
source detection, localization, tracking, and classification. Acoustic sources 
encompass weather events, industrial and military activities (including the use 
of explosives), shipping, animal vocalizations, and geologic events. This 
review was conducted under the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management’s (BOEM) 
Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) Program for the Northern GOM. The primary 
objective of the program is to design and implement a multi-year acoustic data 
collection and monitoring plan for both the acoustic and the biotic 
environments in the GOM further defining the associated baseline soundscapes.

The objective of this literature synthesis was to collect and review published 
literature and available datasets of previous and ongoing PAM projects in the 
GOM for the following purposes:

1. Characterize potential sound sources in the GOM.

2. Summarize the state of current knowledge on GOM baseline acoustic noise 

3. Investigate existing methodologies for acoustic source detection, 
localization, tracking, and classification of marine mammals.

4. Identify by spatial mapping previous and current study areas.

5. Identify the most appropriate field methodologies and protocols for 
measuring the acoustic environment in the GOM.

Donald (Tre) W. Glenn, III, Ph.D., P.E., CFM
Senior Protected Species Biologist
Consultation Specialist
Professional Environmental Engineer
Contracting Officer's Representative III
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)
GOMR, Office of Environment
1201 Elmwood Park Blvd.
New Orleans, Louisiana  70123

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