Dear Colleagues,

My co-authors and I are pleased to announce the publication of the following 
paper in Science of the Total Environment:

Kratofil MA, Ylitalo GM, Mahaffy SD, West KL, and Baird RW. 2020. Life history 
and social structure as drivers of persistent organic pollutant levels and 
stable isotopes in Hawaiian false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens). Science 
of the Total Environment 733:138880.

ABSTRACT: False killer whales are long-lived, slow to mature, apex predators, 
and therefore susceptible to bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants 
(POPs). Hawaiian waters are home to three distinct populations: pelagic; 
Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) insular; and main Hawaiian Islands (MHI) 
insular. Following a precipitous decline over recent decades, the MHI 
population was listed as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act in 2012. 
This study assesses the risk of POP exposure to these populations by examining 
pollutant concentrations and ratios from blubber samples (n = 56) related to 
life history characteristics and MHI social clusters. Samples were analyzed for 
PCBs, DDTs, PBDEs, and some organochlorine pesticides. Skin samples (n = 52) 
were analyzed for stable isotopes δ13C and δ15N to gain insight into MHI false 
killer whale foraging ecology. Pollutant levels were similar among populations, 
although MHI whales had a significantly higher mean ratio of DDTs/PCBs than 
NWHI whales. The ∑PCB concentrations of 28 MHI individuals (68%) sampled were 
equal to or greater than suggested thresholds for deleterious health effects in 
marine mammals. The highest POP values among our samples were found in four 
stranded MHI animals. Eight of 24 MHI adult females have not been documented to 
have given birth; whether they have yet to reproduce, are reproductive 
senescent, or are experiencing reproductive dysfunction related to high POP 
exposure is unknown. Juvenile/sub-adults had significantly higher 
concentrations of certain contaminants than those measured in adults, and may 
be at greater risk of negative health effects during development. Multivariate 
analyses, POP ratios, and stable isotope ratios indicate varying risk of POP 
exposure, foraging locations and potentially prey items among MHI social 
clusters. Our findings provide invaluable insight into the ongoing risk POPs 
pose to the MHI population’s viability, as well as consideration of risk for 
the NWHI and pelagic stocks.

A link to the full article available from the publisher for the next 50 days:<>
For more information on our Hawai’i research see
Best regards,

Michaela Kratofil
Research Biologist
Cascadia Research Collective<>
218 ½ W. 4th Ave
Olympia, WA 98502<>

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