Dear Colleagues

We are pleased to announce the publication of our article: Harp Seals: Monitors 
of Change in Differing Ecosystems, by Garry B. Stenson, Tore Haug, Mike O 
Hammill, published in Frontiers in Marine Science, section Marine Fisheries, 
Aquaculture and Living Resources.

The article is open access and available at:


Harp seals are the most abundant marine mammal in the north Atlantic. As an ice 
obligatory predator, they reflect changes in their environment, particularly 
during a period of climatic change. As the focus of a commercial hunt, a large 
historic data set exists that can be used to quantify changes. There are three 
populations of harp seals: White Sea/Barents Sea, Greenland Sea and Northwest 
Atlantic. The objective of this paper is to review their current status and to 
identify the factors that are influencing population dynamics in different 
areas. Although important historically, recent catches have been low and do not 
appear to be influencing trends in either of the two northeast Atlantic 
populations. Massive mortalities of White Sea/Barents Sea seals occurred during 
the mid 1980s due to collapses in their main prey species. Between 2004 and 
2006, pup production in this population declined by 2/3 and has remained low. 
Body condition declined during the same period, suggesting that ecosystem 
changes may have resulted in reduced reproductive rates, possibly due to 
reduced prey availability and/or competition with Atlantic cod. The most recent 
estimate of pup production in the Greenland Sea also suggests a possible 
decline during a period of reduced hunting although the trend in this 
population is unclear. Pupping concentrations are closer to the Greenland coast 
due to the reduction in ice in the traditional area and increased drift may 
result in young being displaced from their traditional feeding grounds leading 
to increased mortality. Reduced ice extent and thickness has resulted in major 
mortality of young in the Northwest Atlantic population in some years. After a 
period of increase, the population remained relatively stable between 1996 and 
2013 due to increased hunting, multiple years with increased ice-related 
mortality of young seals, and lower reproductive rates. With a reduction in 
harvest and improved survival of young, the population appears to be increasing 
although extremely large interannual variations in body condition and fecundity 
have been observed which were found to be influenced by variations in capelin 
biomass and ice conditions. Each of these populations has been impacted 
differently by changes in their ecosystems and hunting practices. By 
identifying the factors influencing these three populations, we can gain a 
better understanding of how species may respond to changes that are occurring 
in their ecosystems.


Garry B. Stenson, Ph.D.
Research Scientist and Head, Marine Mammal Section/
Chercheur scientifique et chef de la section des mammifères marins
Science Branch / Branche scientifique,
Fisheries and Oceans, Canada / Pêches et Océans, Canada
P.O. Box 5667
St. John's, NL  A1C 5X1
(709) 772-5598<>

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