Dear Marmam,

My co-authors and I are happy to announce the publication of our paper:

Deep-sea predator niche segregation revealed by combined cetacean biologging and eDNA analysis of cephalopod prey, in Science Advances.

Link (open access):

We combined Dtag data with eDNA analysis of cephalopods in the whale foraging zones and find that, while the Risso's dolphin and Cuviers beaked whale have discrete foraging zones, they target comparable prey communities. As many squid migrate to deeper waters as they mature, Cuvier's beaked whales may thus target similar prey species, but have access to larger, more mature and possibly brooding individuals, than Risso's dolphins.

Fundamental insight on predator-prey dynamics in the deep sea is hampered by a lack of combined data on hunting behavior and prey spectra. Deep-sea niche segregation may evolve when predators target specific prey communities, but this hypothesis remains untested. We combined environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding with biologging to assess cephalopod community composition in the deep-sea foraging habitat of two top predator cetaceans. Risso’s dolphin and Cuvier’s beaked whale selectively targeted distinct epi/meso- and bathypelagic foraging zones, holding eDNA of 39 cephalopod taxa, including 22 known prey. Contrary to expectation, extensive taxonomic overlap in prey spectra between foraging zones indicated that predator niche segregation was not driven by prey community composition alone. Instead, intraspecific prey spectrum differences may drive differentiation for hunting fewer, more calorific, mature cephalopods in deeper waters. The novel combination of methods presented here holds great promise to disclose elusive deep-sea predator-prey systems, aiding in their protection.

All the best,

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